The 2021 inventory does not include an update of emissions of the pollutant ammonia (NH3) for the year 2021. The latest data available for this pollutant are those relating to the 2019 inventory - Airparif 2022.
What are the quantities of pollutants and greenhouse gases released directly into the air by sector of activity and by territory and how are they calculated using an inventory?
What are emissions?
Emissions refer to pollutants or greenhouse gases directly released into the atmosphere by human activities (factory or residential chimneys, exhaust pipes, agriculture, etc.) or by natural sources (compounds emitted by vegetation and soils). They are mainly expressed in tonnes per year. It is important to clearly differentiate between the concept of emissions, which represents the release of pollutants into the atmosphere, and the concept of concentrations, which represents the levels breathed into the atmosphere.
An air, climate, energy inventory
The inventory of air pollutant and greenhouse gas emissions, as well as the inventory of energy consumption, are part of Airparif's missions.
The air pollutants addressed are:
- The nitrogen oxides (NOX): sum of emissions of nitrogen monoxide (NO), precursor of NO2and of nitrogen dioxide (NO2)
- The non-methane volatile organic compounds (NMVOC): family of several hundred species recorded for their impact on health and as precursors of ozone or secondary particles.
- L'ammonia (NH3): ammonium nitrate and sulfate precursor, semi-volatile particles.
- Le sulphur dioxide (SO2) : mainly from the combustion of heavy fuel oil and coal (electricity production, heating), the combustion of kerosene as well as oil desulfurization units (refineries).
- The primary particles : a distinction is made between particles PM10, with a diameter less than 10 μm, and the PM2.5, with a diameter smaller than 2.5 μm. Emissions of PM <sub>10</sub> particles10 integrate those of PM<sub>2.5</sub> particles2.5.
The greenhouse gases taken into account are:
- Le carbon dioxide (CO2)
- Le methane (CH4)
- Le nitrous oxide (N2O)
- The fluorinated compounds
Emissions of these gases are presented in CO<sub>2</sub> equivalent2, a way that allows these emissions to be compared on the basis of their global warming potential, by converting the quantities of the various gases emitted into the equivalent quantity of CO2 having the same global warming potential.
Final energy consumptions correspond to the energy consumed by the different sectors of activity and are calculated using the same methodologies as for emissions of atmospheric pollutants and greenhouse gases in order to guarantee consistency between air, climate and energy issues.
Why inventory them?
Air quality management at territorial level is primarily based on controlling emissions of pollutants and/or their precursors for secondary pollutants. It is necessary to know, for each pollutant or precursor, the level of emissions by sector of activity, in order to identify levers of action in each territory, and to monitor the effectiveness of the implemented measures over time.
Due to their global warming power and their impact on climate change, it is also essential to handle greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Since activities emitting atmospheric pollutants generally emit GHGs, the levers for action to control these emissions are often the same. However, it is important to be vigilant, as certain actions have antagonistic effects between emissions of atmospheric pollutants and GHGs.
Airparif lists direct GHG emissions in Ile‐de‐France, as well as indirect ones linked to the consumption of electricity and urban heating in the Ile‐de‐France region. Note that, in ambient air, even at high concentration levels, CO2 has no health impact.
The Airparif inventory provides reference data for public policy actions on air, climate and energy themes. This data is made available to all stakeholders: communities, economic players, consultancy offices and associations in order to support the work on developing territorial climate-air-energy plans and other local planning documents.
How is the inventory carried out?
The development of an inventory is governed by rigorous methodologies, shared and recognized at national and European level.
Airparif carries out an inventory of regional emissions of atmospheric pollutants and greenhouse gases on an annual basis and on a municipal scale. These emissions are evaluated for each sector of activity according to methodologies based on the national requirements of the Territorial Inventory Coordination Center (PCIT), recognized and shared at national and European level.
The inventory of energy consumption, emissions of atmospheric pollutants and greenhouse gas emissions is based on the finest and most recent spatially detailed activity data and statistics available.
Airparif is in charge within the ROSE (Statistical Energy Observation Network) of the construction and maintenance of the energy consumption inventory for the Île-de-France region. This work is carried out in parallel with the inventory of atmospheric pollutant and greenhouse gas emissions and is validated by members of the ROSE. Airparif's energy consumption is available by sector of activity, energy source and by building typology for the residential sector on the site ENERGIF.
More information
Inventory of energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions in Île-de-France for 2020
The year 2020 was a special year on two counts: on a health level with the Covid-19 crisis and on a meteorological level with the mildest winter in the last twenty years. In fact, the year 2020 cannot be considered as a reference to qualify the existing situation and the achievement of past public policies. Therefore, only a regional estimate was made.
Some major lessons from the 2020 inventory:
- Energy consumption represented 180 GWh.
- The very mild winter led to lower heating consumption than in “normal” periods.
- Between 2019 and 2020, the largest drop in energy consumption is linked to road transport (-15%) in connection with population containment measures.
- The inventory of greenhouse gas emissions which shows a drop of 9% between 2019 and 2020 and 30% between 2005 and 2020 must be analyzed in view of the particularities of the year 2020 (lockdowns, mild winter, cessation of economical activities).
Note Inventory of energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions for the year 2020 in Ile-de-France