Citizens, businesses, political decision-makers: we can all contribute at our level to reducing emissions of air pollutants... The good news is that it is possible to act to reduce our emissions, and also to reduce our exposure and that of our loved ones. In each field of activity, there are more or less virtuous uses, but they are too rarely well identified and even less put into practice. Do you know them ?


Travel without polluting the air

Road traffic, and primarily individual diesel and gasoline vehicles, is the main emitter of nitrogen oxides and the second for fine particles in Île-de-France. It is possible to travel while polluting the air less, by favoring:

  • Public transport – train, metro, bus – cycling and walking. They emit little or no pollutants into the ambient air, unlike individual vehicles and airplanes.
  • Electric vehicles rather than thermal vehicles. Electric vehicle engines do not emit any gaseous air pollutants unlike their thermal counterparts, and therefore also do not promote the creation of other pollutants in the air such as low-altitude ozone or secondary particles. They emit fewer fine particles: only abrasion particles from brakes and tires remain on the road. They are therefore much more virtuous than thermal vehicles from the point of view of air pollution.
  • Smaller and lighter vehicles. They use less energy and emit fewer air pollutants.
  • Carpooling. For the same amount of air pollutants, it's a simple way to transport more people.

All of these solutions also have the advantage of also reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and therefore jointly combating global warming.

Passenger vehicle emissions NO2 PM25 GHG


Heating without polluting the air

Heating, and primarily wood heating, as well as oil and gas heating, is the leading emitter of fine particles in Île-de-France and the second largest emitter of nitrogen oxide. It is possible to heat yourself while polluting the air less, by favoring:

  • Thermal renovation of housing. It promotes heat retention in homes and therefore reduces heating needs, and therefore emissions of air pollutants. Lowering heating temperatures in overheated residential and tertiary buildings also allows energy savings and therefore limits pollutant emissions.
  • Heat pumps, geothermal energy, solar thermal, and urban heat networks are heating methods that emit little or no air pollutants, unlike heating with wood, gas and fuel oil.
  • The use of more efficient heating methods. Recent wood heating methods labeled Flamme Verte make it possible to significantly reduce wood consumption and particle emissions into the air compared to an open fireplace or an old closed insert, even if emissions of fine particles remain significant.

These solutions again have the advantage of also reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and therefore jointly combating global warming.

Emissions of different heating methods

Be less exposed to air pollution

Indoor air - in a home, a car, an office, a school... is often more polluted than the outside: pollutants linked to heating, solvents, paints, cleaning, cooking... adds to the pollution of the outside air. Volatile organic compounds and particles are particularly present there. To reduce exposure to air pollution:

  • Ventilate your house, renew the air several times a day. Particularly remember to ventilate when using paints, varnishes or when using odorous household products, and when cooking or vacuuming.
  • Avoid smoking indoors. Tobacco is a strong emitter of carbon monoxide, benzene, nicotine, particles, aldehydes, etc.
  • Limit the use of indoor air fresheners, incense and candles which are high emitters of volatile organic compounds in indoor air.
  • Avoid mixing with household products : don't play "little chemist".
  • Favor outdoor mobility such as cycling and walking : confined environments are generally more loaded with pollution. The passenger compartment of cars, for example, is one of the places where the air quality is most degraded on a daily basis. Not only does the passenger compartment of cars accumulate pollution, but the vehicle's air intake is often located at the front, not far from the exhaust pipe of the following vehicle.
  • When cycling, ride when possible in dedicated lanes : moving away, even a few meters from road vehicles, already allows you to significantly reduce your exposure to the air pollution they emit.
  • Avoid heating with wood with an open fireplace, which emits a very large number of particles into the ambient air, but also inside the home which houses it.



Stay informed

During episodes of pollution, which notably inform the Airparif website, application and social networks, It is essential to carefully follow the recommendations of the Regional Health Authority (ARS), particularly when you already have pulmonary or cardiovascular weaknesses. These recommendations are systematically relayed by Airparif.