main missions
years of experience
Index equality f/ h
“Acting for clean air in a more sustainable world”
Airparif has included this purpose in its CAP 2030 associative project. It constitutes an anchor for its medium-term strategic orientations in the current context of the triple planetary crisis: climate change, loss of biodiversity and pollution. By setting a course for the coming years, the associative project formalizes Airparif's strategic orientations, consistent with its regulatory missions, its know-how and its network of partners.
- Monitor the air breathed by Ile-de-France residents using a robust and reliable monitoring network, in accordance with thedecree of 16 April 2021
- Understand air pollution and its impacts, by participating in the improvement of knowledge
- Support citizens and all stakeholders, by informing, raising awareness and evaluating actions
- Innovate by facilitating the emergence of new solutions to improve air quality
154 members currently constitute the general assembly of Airparif, chaired by Philippe Quénel since March 2022. The latter is an honorary professor at the School of Advanced Studies in Public Health and a member of the scientific council of the National Agency for Food Safety, Environment and Labor (ANSES).
- Le Regional and Interdepartmental Director of the Environment, Planning and Transport (DRIEAT) of Île-de-France or its representative
- Le Prefect of Police of Paris or his representative
- Le Prefect of the Île-de-France region or his representative
- The General Manager of theÎle-de-France Regional Health Agency or his representative
- The Head of the Energy Department, Building of the DRIEAT Île-de-France or his representative
- The Director of Users and Administrative Policies (DUPA) of the Police Department or his representative
- The Regional Director of Île-de-France of the Environment and Energy Management Agency (ADEME) or his representative
- The Regional and Interdepartmental Director of Food, Agriculture and Forestry (DRIAAF) or his representative
- The Director of Civil Aviation Safety North (DSAC) or his representative
- Regional Council of Île-de-France
- Greater Paris metropolis
- City of Paris
- Essonne Departmental Council
- Departmental Council of Seine-Saint-Denis
- Val-de-Marne Departmental Council
- Val-d'Oise Departmental Council
- Intercommunal Union for the Treatment of Household Waste (SYCTOM)
- Île-de-France Transport Union (Ile-de-France Mobilities)
- Intercommunal Mixed Union for the Treatment of Household Waste in the West Central Sein et Marne (SMITOM-Lombric)
- Public Territorial Establishment Paris Est Marne & Bois
- Greater Paris Seine & Oise Urban Community
- Paris Marne Valley Urban Community
- Paris-Saclay Urban Community
- Roissy Pays de France Urban Community
- Melun Val-de-Seine urban community
- Urban Community of Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines
- Community of Communes Carnelle Pays-de-France
- Greater Paris South Seine-Essonne-Sénart Urban Community
- Val d'Europe Urban Community
- Pays de Meaux Urban Community
- Town of Hay-les-Roses
- City of Pantin
- City of Nanterre
- Town of Gennevilliers
- City of Aubervilliers
- City of Ivry-sur-Seine
- City of Saint-Denis
The 84 industrial establishments in the region, subject to the general tax on polluting activities (TGAP), grouped within the Association of Industrialists participating in the creation and management of the Atmospheric Pollution Alert and Monitoring Network in Ile-de-France (Airasif).
- ENGIE Solutions
- GRDF Île-de-France
- La Poste Group
- Automotive industry platform (PFA)
- Autonomous Parisian Transport Authority (RATP)
- SNCF Races
- Vinci Autoroutes
- Waterways of France (VNF)
Environmental protection associations:
• France Nature Environment from the Île-de-France region
• Friends of the Earth Paris
• WWF France
Consumer and anti-poverty associations
• National Council of Secular Family Associations (CNAFAL)
• Federal Union of Consumers (UFC Que Choisir) Île-de-France
• Léo Lagrange Association for the defense of consumers
• Emmaus France
Representatives of the health professions:
• Association for the Prevention of Atmospheric Pollution (APPA)
• Regional Health Observatory (ORS) Île-de-France
Qualified personalities:
• The President of the Interprofessional Technical Center for the Study of Atmospheric Pollution (CITEPA) or his representative
• The President of the Regional Economic, Social and Environmental Council (CESER) of Île-de-France or his representative
• The Director of the Central Laboratory of the Police Prefecture (LCPP) or his representative
• The Director of the Environmental Health Laboratories Service (SLSE) or his representative
• The Interregional Director Île-de-France-Centre of METEO FRANCE or his representative
• Jean-Felix Bernard
• Gilles Forest
• Valerie Gros
• Philippe Quenel
Airparif's work helps to inform public decisions, associations and companies involved in improving air quality, while informing and contributing to changes in citizen behavior. They nourish French health expertise and scientific and technical knowledge. Its expertise leads it to act as a reference in France and internationally.
Statutes and governance: an independent and collegial association
With the Law on Air and Rational Use of Energy (LAURE) of 1996, the monitoring of ambient air quality is entrusted in France by the State and public authorities to independent associations, "1901 law" type. LAURE sets as an objective “the right of everyone to breathe air that does not harm to their health” and establishes the conditions for air quality monitoring and public information in France. It is within this framework that the action of Airparif and its members falls.
AASQAs (approved air quality monitoring associations), like Airparif, have the specificity of bringing together, in a balanced manner within their board, the different regional players concerned by atmospheric issues:
- THEState,
- Communities, including the Region, the City of Paris, the Greater Paris Metropolis, some departments and EPCI, Île-de-France mobilité and SYCTOM,
- Economic actors,
- Environmental and consumer protection associations, as well as researchers and experts.
This independent mode of operation brings together the different stakeholders affected by air pollution in a balanced manner.
Airparif is a member ofAtmo-France, the federation bringing together its counterparts in the 18 mainland and overseas regions.
Working at Airparif
Employees. Airparif brings together nearly 80 employees: engineers (modelers, studies, inventory, technicians (metrologists, chemists), researchers, IT specialists, communicators, secretaries, accountants, HR… all of whom are essential to ensuring the achievement of Airparif's missions and providing robust and reliable monitoring of air quality throughout Île-de-France. It is possible to find portraits of all of these positions here. Airparif also regularly welcomes work-study students and interns.
A stimulating context.
- Working at Airparif, in the center of Paris, means taking part in one of the major challenges of our society on a daily basis. Better understand air pollution, which kills prematurely 7 people each year in Île-de-France, is a public health imperative, also closely linked to climate change.
- Airparif is at the cutting edge of knowledge regarding air pollution and strives to remain so. Working at Airparif means joining a multidisciplinary team and increasing your skills upon recruitment with companionship in each of the departments and throughout your career. The projects are varied and innovative, in Île-de-France but also internationally.
Working environment. Strong attention paid to the quality of life at work. No table football, but:
- hiring mainly on permanent contracts to ensure income security,
- advantageous social protection (health, welfare, supplementary pension, 1% housing),
- leave and RTT beyond the legal volume (more than 9 weeks in total)
- strong attention paid to equality between women and men: 3 of the 5 members of our management team are women, including the 2 highest positions, our F/M equality index was 92/100 in 2023
- the desire to preserve a healthy balance between professional and personal life (right to disconnect, meetings organized during usual working hours, use of professional messaging and telephone outside exceptional working hours and only if the importance and the the urgency of the subject justifies it, etc.),
- strong economic support for the use of bicycles and public transport,
- accessible, (really) attentive management that seeks to continually improve,
- opportunities for development within Airparif and in other associations approved for monitoring air quality in other regions of France.
To join us, see the job and internship offers published on our site.